We are pleased to welcome Nakajima sensei as a guest faculty with Akal Japanese Academy. Nakajima san is a native of Japan and is associated with us for online Japanese conversation classes and to guide our students who are preparing for JLPT N4 & N5 level examinations.

His unique teaching approach is highly appreciated by our students. The language of conversation in his class is strictly Japanese; English vocabulary is used only when students face problems in understanding the concepts. JLPT practice quiz or Kaiwa practice by Nakajima san in conversation class includes audio and visuals and asking random questions to students, thus making the class interactive and interesting. Understanding the importance of Japanese conversational skills for Indian students, Nakajima san uses various techniques, like the use of flashcards to explain words or phrases and the use of expressions for different scenarios.

His comprehensive teaching approach makes students confident with proper Japanese pronunciation and accent. Not only this, but he also makes them practice small self-introduction in every class which is very important when anyone introduces himself to any native Japanese. Class sessions by Nakajima san are highly interactive, where feedback and suggestions by students are always welcome. Students always look forward to taking his class every week.

Nakajima san, we are excited to have you join us and appreciate you bringing your expertise to Akal Japanese Academy.